THERE is now little doubt that sex hormones play an important role in the production and perpetuation of acne vulgaris. Sufficient data have accumulated to indicate that an increase of the androgen-estrogen ratio is found in many acne patients. However, therapy designed to regulate this hormonal imbalance has, for the most part, produced ambiguous results, and studies continue to appear in the dermatologic literature which indicate that the search for the "ideal" hormonal therapy goes on. Way and Andrews1stated, "The statistics obtained in our series clearly demonstrate the value of sex hormones in the treatment of acne vulgaris, and their use seems justifiable when satisfactory results are unobtainable by commoner methods of therapy." In their study, three series of patients were followed. Of the various hormones administered, the authors obtained best results by the subcutaneous administration of progesterone. Of 20 patients who received progesterone therapy alone, 75% had