Dieldrin-resistant (Rdl/Rdl and Rdl/+) and susceptible (+/+) phenotypes of Lucilia cuprina were scored for departures from bilateral symmetry for bristle characters after development at different temperatures, larval densities or concentrations of dieldrin. The asymmetry phenotype of resistant flies was dominant and independent of developmental temperature and larval density. The asymmetry of susceptibles increased for temperatures and larval densities above and below standard rearing conditions. A positive correlation was observed between asymmetry score and dieldrin concentration for all genotypes. The susceptible phenotype did not attain the asymmetry score of resistant in any environment. Resistant phenotypes showed an antisymmetric pattern in each environment; fluctuating asymmetry was observed for susceptibles. The relevance of the results of genetic and general or specific environmental stresses to estimates of developmental perturbation is discussed.