Implications of a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa in a ballet school

Competitive pressures to achieve a slim body shape may be of importance in the etiology of eating disorders in ballet dancers. This study examines the presence of anorexia nervosa-like symptoms in a group of 49 female ballet students (mean age = 18.9 years, SD ± 1.9). All students were assessed for certain physical (weight and height) and psychological (Eating Attitude Test [EAT]) indices at the start of their academic training year. Thereafter, all subjects who presented with anorexia nervosa-like symptoms (EAT ≥ 30, and/or with current secondary amenorrhea or primary amenorrhea if aged 16 years or over) at the initial assessment, were invited for a semistructured interview (Morgan-Russel scales) to determine their diagnostic status. Another aim of the study was to assess the prognostic implications of a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa in this sample. All subjects previously interviewed were invited for a follow-up assessment at 10 months. Anorexia nervosa could be diagnosed in 2 students (4.1%), whilst another 4 students (8.2%) presented with “partial syndrome” anorexia nervosa. All diagnosed students managed to complete their academic training year. The development and implications of a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa in the ballet students are discussed.