Periodic Alpha Seizures with Apnea in a Newborn

A post-mature female newborn with a history of birth trauma developed frequent apneic spells coincident with left posterior-quadrant alpha discharges on her electro-encephalogram. Except during apneic spells, clinical seizure activity was rare. The alpha discharges occurred at regular intervals and were associated with disrupted sleep cycles and a diminution in the proportion of quiet sleep. Phenobarbital apparently abolished the apnea and alpha discharges and resulted in normal sleep cycles and state proportions. At 20 months of age the patient is neurologically and developmentally normal. She has been free of apnea and seizures since the newborn period, despite withdrawal of the anticonvulsant at eight months of age. The authors relate her favorable course to the etiology, periodicity and therapeutic response of her clinical and electrical seizures.