Polarization Relaxation in Triglycine Sulfate above the Curie Temperature

Measurements of the complex dielectric constant for normal and deuterated triglycine sulfate are reported. These measurements cover a range of 20°C above the Curie temperature and frequencies up to 7.7×1010 cps. A frequency- and temperature-dependent relaxation of the dielectric constant was observed which first sets in around 5×107 cps. It was found that all the observations of ε* could be expressed as ε*=CTTc[f(ντ0)+ig(ντ0)], where C and Tc are the Curie constant and temperature; and τ0 is inversely proportional to (TTc). Expressions for f(ντ0) and g(ντ0) which give a good fit to the data were derived by assuming that each dipole has a Debye relaxation characteristic and that there is a Gaussian distribution of relaxation times, with τ0 being the measure of the width of the distribution.