Using energetically reliable configuration-interaction and Hartree-Fock wave functions for He(S1 state), Li(S2 and P2 states), and Be(S1 state)-like ions, we applied the method of successive partial orthogonalizations to determine orbital correction f functions (introduced by Sinanoğlu in his many-electron theory) which arise from electron-correlation effects. The addition of an f function to an appropriate Hartree-Fock orbital gives an improved orbital representation as far as the one-particle density is concerned. Hence, changes in the corresponding radial density distributions were obtained and their characteristics and Z-dependent trends were rationalized in terms of the fluctuation potential proposed by Sinanoğlu. For He-like ions, changes in the K-shell density showed strong split-shell characteristics. This also held for the K shell of the Be-like ions; however, as Z increased, the perturbative influence of the L shell became more apparent. In the L shells for the Be-like systems, because of the 2s2p near degeneracy, angular correlation is relatively high and, consequently, the fluctuation potential gave rise to an f effect which produced an over-all density contraction towards the nucleus. These density changes for the 2s electrons are considerably larger than the changes associated with the K shells. At a low-Z value for Li(S2)-like ions, spin polarization of the K shell owing to the unpaired L-shell electron is small, the changes in density being predominantly intrashell effects. For high Z, spin-polarization effects are greatly increased. The L-shell electron in the S2 state experiences only an intershell fluctuation potential—which is purely attractive. For this state, the density changes for the outer electron are about 25% of the L-shell effect in the Be(S1)-like ion and they are almost four times larger than the corresponding K-shell effect. In the Li(P2) series of ions, the K-shell density shifts due to the f functions are dominated by intrashell effects for Z=3 whereas, at higher-Z values, an exchange effect becomes the major influence. Our results for the L shell appear less satisfactory and suggest that a further such study of the excited state of these ions would be of interest.