Spin Directions in Pure Chromium

We have carried out a triple-axis polarized-neutron-beam experiment with polarization analysis of the final beam and magnetic fields to 15 kG applied to a pure Cr single crystal. The purpose was to determine whether the spin axis in the transversely polarized spin-density wave state (122°K–38.5°C) is confined to the cube edges or whether in sufficient fields it can be made to lie in an arbitrary direction (perpendicular to the wave vector). The experiments show unambiguously that the latter is so. At 25°C, it is slightly more difficult to confine the spins to a single 110 axis than it is to a single 100 axis. At lower temperatures this anisotropy is enhanced. These results along with our previous results for the field dependence of the cube-edge components using unpolarized neutrons have been analyzed in terms of two different models. Both models have the spins in all directions perpendicular to the wave vector of the spin-density wave. One is the model of thermal activation of small domains. The other considers a domain structure with wall motion. In both models ansiotropy and magnetic field influence the net number of spins in any given direction.