Fat-free mass in relation to stature: ratios of fat-free mass to height in children, adults, and elderly subjects

A cross-sectional relationship of fat-free mass to height expressed as a ratio (FFM:ht) is presented for 1103 people aged 6–86 y. Data are presented for 13 specific age groups by gender. By providing information for normal, healthy individuals, these data may be of comparative value for nutritionists and clinicians concerned with body composition of patients with wasting diseases. The data were collected over 20 y in our laboratory by using the same densitometric procedure. A significant increase in FFM:ht occurs during the preadolescent and adolescent years. The adolescent spurt continues for a longer period for boys than for girls, resulting in a significant gender difference beginning at ∼age 16 y and continuing throughout adulthood. A decline in FFM:ht, not statistically significant, appears to occur in men > 60 y of age, and a significant decline occurs among women > 50 y of age (α > 0.01). Thus, both gender- and age-related trends that have implications for the interpretation of comparative body-composition status are suggested.