The Effect of Topically Applied Sodium Fluoride on Dental Caries Experience. II. Report of Findings for Second Study Year

The 289 children in the first group received 7 to 15 topical applications of 2% NaF soln. to the teeth in the upper and lower left quadrants of the mouth. The second group of 326 control children did not receive the fluoride treatments. The children comprise part of the school population of North Mankato, Arlington and St. Louis Park, Minnesota. Their ages at the time the study was begun varied from 7-15 yrs. The treatment procedure consisted of isolation of the teeth with cotton rolls, drying the teeth with compressed air, and wetting the crown surfaces of the teeth with the 2% NaF soln. which was allowed to dry in air for approx. 4 mins. Two-thirds of the treated group received a maximum of 15 and 1/3 a maximum of 8 treatments. Analysis of the data indicates that during the 2d study yr. ending May 1944, 46.6% less treated teeth became carious than untreated teeth. The number of additional surfaces which became decayed in previously carious teeth was 25.2% less in treated than in untreated teeth. The findings confirm those reported for the 1st study yr. and, in addition, indicate that the fluoride treatments are fully as effective in inhibiting dental caries during the 2d yr. following treatment as during the 1st yr.