Cyclic Activity In Sleep of Macaca Mulatta

Introduction RECENT observations have demonstrated in adult man a basic physiologic periodicity during sleep of 80-90 minutes,1-3 in the adult cat 20-25 minutes4-6 and in the adult rat 13 minutes.7 These cycles consist of alternation of a high voltage slow wave stage with a low voltage fast frequency cortical electroencephalographic sleep stage, the latter occupying 15%-25% of sleep time. Characteristic alterations in a number of autonomic and somatic motor functions have been found to correlate with the EEG pattern.8,9 In this study observations of the periodic EEG and behavioral sleep patterns of Macaca mulatta are reported. Method Five M mulatta monkeys, (5-8 lb) had cortical and subcortical electrodes implanted under anesthesia for chronic recordings. The cortical electrodes (three-eighth inch silver discs) were placed on the dura mater through burr holes in the skull and cemented in place with acrylic central cement. Bipolar stainless steel electrodes

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