Academic Underachievement in Children with Epilepsy

Academic achievement was studied in 78 children with epilepsy, ages 5 to 13 years, to determine how seizures, treatment of seizures, and sociocultural factors influence academic achievement. Cognitive abilities were assessed with either the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities or the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised. Achievement was measured with the Peabody Individual Achievement Tests. Achievement scores were corrected for cognitive ability (IQ), and underachievement was defined as achievement score 1/2 standard deviation or more below IQ. Information regarding seizure history (severity, duration) and treatment with anticonvulsant drugs was obtained. In addition, the family was extensively interviewed regarding the child's environment, behavior, and demographic background. The Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) scale was completed on a home visit.