Immunohistochemical localization of laminin in the basement membranes of normal, hyperplastic, and neoplastic human prostate

We examined the effects of fixatives and antibody sources on the immunohistologic localization of laminin in normal and cancer-containing human prostates and studied the localization patterns in carcinomas of varying degrees of histologic differentiation. Two different polyclonal antibodies were localized in paraffin-embedded or cryostat sections of fixed (alcohol, formalin, and paraformaldehyde) or unfixed tissue, using the immunofluorescence (IF) or immunoperoxidase (IP) techniques, with positive and negative controls. We found that the IF reactions were more intense in unfixed or alcohol-fixed sections than in paraformaldehyde-fixed specimens. IP reactions were very weak or absent in fixed and paraffin-embedded sections, but pepsin treatment of these sections resulted in more intense and uniform IP reaction products, stronger than in unfixed or ethanol-fixed cryostat sections. With the IP technique, laminin localization was intense and uniform in the basement membranes (BM) of acini, blood vessels, smooth muscle, and nerve fibers in normal prostate, benign hyperplasia (BPH), and well-differentiated carcinomas. The BM of poorly differentiated carcinomas showed widespread absence of laminin reactivity. In normal BPH and well-differentiated tumors, occasional epithelial cells and their surface and acinar lumina had laminin reactivity. However, in higher grade tumors, numerous neoplastic cells had laminin reactivity in cytoplasm, their surface, and secretory material. Some macrophages and neutrophils also contained laminin reactivity, presumably of degraded laminin. In some moderately and poorly differentiated tumors, the BM of small capillaries did not contain laminin. The BM of larger vessels always had laminin reactivity, even in the higher grade tumors.

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