Feeding and bathymetric distribution of the gadoid and morid fish of the Rockall Trough

A series of samples were taken during the period 1975–81 in successively deeper 250 m bathymetric zones between 400 and 2900 m depth in the Rockall Trough. The bathymetric centres of distribution of the gadoid species are at shallower depths than those of the morid species. Micromesistius poutassou and Gadiculus argenteus thori exploit the pelagic and benthopelagic resources at depths shallower than 750 m depth. Molva molva andMolva dypterygia dypterygia are primarily fish eaters, the latter occurring deeper than the former. Phycis blennoidesand the rarerAntonogadus macrophthalmus are epibenthic feeders. Among the morids, the benthopelagic feeding Antimora rostrata lives primarily at depths of 1500–2500 m. Halargyreus johnsonii and the more common Lepidion eques both live at 750–1000 m depth but exploit different resources in the benthopelagic and epibenthic regimes.