Interval-based conceptual models for time-dependent multimedia data

Multimedia data often have time dependencies that must be satisfied at presentation time. To support a general-purpose multimedia information system, these timing relationships must be managed to provide utility to both the data presentation system and the multimedia author. New conceptual models for capturing these timing relationships, and managing them as part of a database are proposed. Specifically, n-ary and reverse temporal relations are introduced and defined along with their temporal constraints. These new relations are a generalization of earlier temporal models and establish the basis for conceptual database structures and temporal access control algorithms to facilitate forward, reverse, and partial-interval evaluation during multimedia object playout. The proposed relations are defined to ensure a property of monotonically increasing playout deadlines to facilitate both real-time deadline-driven playout scheduling or optimistic interval-based process playout. A translation of the conceptual models to a structure suitable for a relational database is presented.<>

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