Nuclear effects on the eigenvalues of thedtμmolecule

The latest information about the He5 nuclear system in terms of R-matrix parameters has been matched to adiabatic dtμ molecular wave functions in order to determine the complex eigenvalues of the molecule. Through the use of the reduced R-matrix formalism, the matching is accomplished by considering only the L=0 dtμ states explicitly. These states are calculated in a series of increasingly more accurate adiabatic approximations that, at least for the lowest vibrational level, appear to be converging to the exact nonadiabatic result. The best complex eigenvalues thus obtained probably have less than 10% uncertainty, and are in reasonably good agreement with those of Bogdanova et al. ( Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 81, 829 (1981) [Sov. Phys.JETP 54, 442 (1981)]).