Contiguous Approach Conditioning: A Model for Negative Reinforcement

The study was designed to provide an empirical basis for Denny's account of negative reinforcement by showing that stimuli contiguously paired with shock termination can become conditioned elicitors of approach. 20 experimental Ss received 15 trials in which the onset of a 6-w light was paired with the termination of a 30-sec., 1-ma. scrambled shock, independently of Ss' behavior. 20 control Ss received an equivalent number of light and shock presentations, but these were unpaired. On a single test trial, S was exposed to a 6 w light in one arm (randomly selected) of a modified T-maze. 17 of 20 experimental Ss approached the light whereas only 11 of 20 control Ss approached the light. The difference between proportions was significant ( p = .05).

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