Resistance of multidrug‐resistant lines to natural killer‐like cell‐mediated cytotoxicity

Multidrug resistance (MDR) refers to a complex phenotype that describes a number of features characterized primarily by resistance to a wide range of structurally unrelated drugs. In this paper we investigated the relationship between drug resistance and resistance to NK-mediated cytotoxicity. Studies with two independently selected multidrug-resistant cell lines indicated that increased drug resistance was associated with both an increased resistance to NK-mediated cytotoxicity and increased levels of membrane P-glycoprotein expression. This resistance to cytotoxicity appears to result partly from an alteration in the membrane structure of the target cells inasmuch as there was a reduction in effector:target cell recognition. Resistance to NK-mediated cytotoxicity should be included with the numerous pleiotropic changes associated with the multidrug resistance phenotype.

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