Thermal-Expansion Anomaly of MnCL2 · 4H2O near its Néel Point

We have observed a λ anomaly in the thermal expansion of MnCl2 · 4H2O due to antiferromagnetic ordering at 1.622°K. The linear thermal expansion coefficient, α , was measured along three mutually perpendicular directions between 0.4° and 4.2°K. The length of the sample determined the plate spacing of a capacitor, so that length changes of 0.05 Å could be measured using a capacitance bridge. Temperature resolution was about three microdegrees, with points taken at 40 μ°K intervals near the transition. The expansion coefficient along the a axis. αa , is negative, while αb and αc′ , are positive. The temperature dependences of αa , αb , αc′ , and the specific heat are similar but not identical, in agreement with theoretical expectations. Near the transition, for 10−4< | 1 − T/TN | <10−1 , the singularity in α appears to be logarithmic for T < TN , and of the form | 1− T/TN |−p with p≃0.35 for T> TN .