One-to-Two Millimeter Wave Spectroscopy. III. NO and DI

Pure rotational transitions of N14 O16 and DI127 have been measured in the one-to-two millimeter wave region. For NO the J=1232 transition in the π122 electronic ground state was observed. The transition reveals a Λ doublet with separation Δνdc=355.1 Mc/sec. Each component of the Λ doublet is further split into five hyperfine components as a result of the nuclear magnetic coupling of N14. Nuclear quadrupole coupling of N14 was found to be small in comparison with the magnetic interaction. Analysis of the data yields B0=50818.0 Mc/sec, r0=1.1540 A, Be=51084.8 Mc/sec, and re=1.1510 A for the Π122 state. For DI127 the following information was obtained: B0=97 537.2 Mc/sec, r0=1.6165 A, and eQq(I127)=1823±1 Mc/sec. Nuclear magnetic interactions of I127 were also detected and analyzed.