Ein- und Zweielektronen-Oxidation von Phosphor-Yliden mit Kupfer(II)-Salzen / One- and Twoelectron Oxidation of Phosphorus Ylides Using Copper(II) Salts

The reaction of CuCl2 with equimolar quantities of an ylide R3P=CH2 (1a-c, R=CH3, C2H5, C6H5) in anhydrous tetrahydrofuran at low temperature leads to oxidative coupling, with ethylidene-1,2-bis-phosphonium salts R3P-CH2-CH2-PR3 2X (2, 3a-c) as high- yield products. The process is interpreted as a one-electron transfer to give radical cations R3P-ĊH2 (II) which subsequently undergo dimerization. The initial counterions CuCl2 (in 2a-c) can be replaced by PF6 (as in 3a-c). (C2H5)3P=CHCH3 (1d) yields the cation (C2H5)3P-*CH(CH3)-*CH(CH3)P(C2H5)3 with two chiral centers as a mixture of diasteromers RR/SS, RS. The ratio of the components is 2,8:1. as evaluated by NMR spectroscopy. The analogous reaction with (C6H5)3P=CHCH3 and (C6H5)3P=C(CH3)2 (1e, f) takes a very different course. Along with minor quantities of (C6H5)3PCH2CH3/(C6H5)3PCH(CH3)2 species, mainly 1-chloroalkyl-phosphonium cations are formed, which were again isolated as the hexafluorophosphates (4a, 4b: [(C6H5)3PCH(CI)CH3]PF6 , [(C6H5)3PC(Cl)(CH3)2]Pf6 ). H-radical trapping from the medium by II ist proposed for the formation of the former, while a two- electron oxidation followed by addition of Cl is the most plausible mechanism for the generation of the latter