Momentum Distributions of Photons from Positrons Annihilating in Alkali Halides

The angular correlation of photons from the two-gamma decay of positrons in all sodium halides and all alkali chlorides has been measured. The data yields the momentum distribution of the two gamma rays which is also the momentum distribution of the annihilating electron-positron pairs. It is seen that the positive ion has very little influence on the momentum distribution in comparison with the negative ion. These distributions in momentum are compared with the distributions calculated from various models of electron and positron wave functions in the crystal. For fluorides and chlorides the electron-positron wave-function products which yield fits to the experimental data resemble Hartree-Fock free-ion electron wave functions. Both the wave-function products and the free-ion wave functions yield density distributions which are similar to the electron densities obtained by x-ray measurements. This conclusion makes improbable a model of single-particle wave functions describing both the electrons and the positron tightly bound to the negative ion.