Seventy gm. of dry, human cerumen was extracted with ether, alcohol, and acetone and yielded fatty acids 0.6 gm., fat 8.66 gm., cholesterol 1.74 gm., cerotic acid 1.36 gm., neurostearic acid 0.25 gm., "bitter principle," trace; C8H14NO5, 0.58 gm., protein 30.26 gm., and ash 2.42 gm. The amino acid content of the protein was: histidine 0.142 gm., arginine 0.547, lysine 2.972, tyrosine 0.335, cystine 0.010, proline 1.208. The ash consisted of K20 0.43%, Na2O 0.89, CaO 0.30, MgO 0.22, P2O5 0.32, Cl 0.15, H2SO4 0.92, and SiO2 0.57%.