To the Editor.— To my knowledge, the association of Maffuci's syndrome and intestinal hemangiomas has not been previously recorded. One report from the Archives did describe hemangiomas of the hypopharynx, esophagus, ileum, and anal mucosa in a patient who the authors felt had both Maffucci's syndrome and the blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome (BRBN).1 They ascribed the intestinal lesions to the BRBN syndrome. Because the vascular lesions in the BRBN syndrome are extremely variable and those in Maffucci's syndrome sometimes appear similar to the BRBN syndrome, I suspect their patient had a straightforward case of Maffucci's syndrome. I have recently seen a case of Maffucci's syndrome which supports this assumption. Report of a Case The patient was a 45-year-old white man who was admitted to the University of Washington Hospital for disarticulation of his right arm due to advanced chondrosarcomatous involvement. He had classical Maffucci's syndrome which had