Five human sera with reaginic activity to a number of allergens were fractionated using anion exchange chromatography. In each serum, fractions which contained detectable IgG and no detectable IgA had capacity to fix to skin and subsequently elicit a P-K reaction. Four of these sera had reaginic activity about equally distributed between fractions containing only IgG and fractions containing mixtures of IgG and IgA. A fifth serum contained reaginic activity to crystalline bovine serum albumin (BSA) and most of the activity was associated with the fraction which contained only IgG. This serum was extensively studied using a variety of techniques and it was confirmed that most of the reagin to BSA in this serum was in those fractions containing only IgG. Since reaginic activity can no longer be considered a unique property of IgA the implications of finding antibody with reaginic qualities in immunoglobulins other than IgA are discussed.