Four soybean plant introductions, PI 520.733, PI 567.374, PI 567.650B, and PI 567.659, and one soybean cultivar, Great Lakes 3202, were inoculated under greenhouse conditions with four isolates of Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines. Foliar disease severity rating was greatest on PI 567.659, followed by Great Lakes 3202, PI 520.733, PI 567.650B, and PI 567.374. There was no significant interaction between isolates and soybean entries for foliar disease severity ratings. Experiments also were conducted to determine if disease development and root colonization differed among entries. Root infection of the five entries did not differ (P = 0.05). Foliar disease progress curves increased faster for PI 567.659 and Great Lakes 3202 than for PI 567.374. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) value for PI 567.374 was the lowest and differed (P = 0.01) from AUDPC values for Great Lakes 3202 and PI 567.659. There were no differences (P = 0.01) in length of taproot lesions, losses in root dry weight, and vascular stem length discoloration among the entries, and there was no correlation (P = 0.05) between these measurements and foliar AUDPC values. Cut seedling stems immersed in culture filtrate developed interveinal chlorosis on leaves of each entry within 2 days. Disease severity on cut seedlings of PI 567.374 was lower (P = 0.01) than on the other entries. There was a positive correlation (r = 0.94, P = 0.05) between AUDPC values of the five entries inoculated with the fungus and the cut seedling test using culture filtrate.