Preparation and crystal structures of bis(tetraphenylarsonium) tris(oxalato)technetate(IV), and tetraphenylarsonium tris(benzene-1,2-dithiolato)technetate(V): octahedral versus trigonal-prismatic geometry for tris-bidentate complexes of technetium

The addition of [NH4]2[TcBr6] to an aqueous solution of oxalic acid yields the complex [AsPh4]2[Tc(ox)3](1), and the reaction of benzene-1,2-dithiol (H2bdt) with [AsPh4][TcNCl4] in acetone yields crystals of [AsPh4][Tc(bdt)3](2). The syntheses and crystal structures of the two compounds are reported. [AsPh4]2[Tc(ox)3] crystallises in the monoclinic space group C2/c with cell parameters a= 23.164(2), b= 13.507(2), c= 16.047(1)Å, and β= 104.90(5)°, with Z= 4. Refinement on 3 223 non-zero data measured with Cu-Kα radiation converged to R= 0.054. The co-ordination geometry of the technetium(IV) atom and the six co-ordinated oxygen atoms is distorted octahedral and of pseudo-D3 symmetry. Crystals of (2) are monoclinic, space group P21/n with a= 12.966(1), b= 12.746(1), c= 23.233(1), and β= 92.27(8)° with Z= 4. Refinement on 5 395 non-zero data measured with Cu-Kα radiation converged to R= 0.048. The technetium(V) atom is co-ordinated to six sulphur atoms in close to ideal trigonal-prismatic geometry. The complex is distorted from ideal D3h symmetry by the bending of SC6H4S ligand planes from the relevant TcS2 planes by 4.1, 1.7, and 1.1°. Factors affecting octahedral versus trigonal-prismatic geometries in these two tris-bidentate complexes are discussed.