Neutron Resonance Parameters ofU235

The neutron total cross section of U23592 has been studied for neutron energies between 1.5 and 60 ev by using the Brookhaven fast chopper. The transmission data were analyzed by the "area" method and the Breit-Wigner parameters obtained for the resonances up to 35 ev. The observed level spacing of 0.65 ev is the smallest yet reported for any isotope. The best available fission data have been combined with total cross-section data to obtain Γγ. The values of Γγ are approximately constant and are consistent with those of neighboring heavy nuclei, whereas the Γn0's have a very broad distribution similar to that observed in a number of other elements. The distribution of Γf's is also rather broad and resembles the neutron widths much more than the radiation widths in this respect. Average values of these parameters are presented, together with a discussion of the implications of these findings for current theories of fission.