Ovarian function, tubal viability and pregnancy after tubo-ovarian transplantation in the rabbit

A rabbit model was developed for microsurgical en-bloc vascularized tubo-ovarian allograft. Transplantation of tube and ovary from donors to tubo-oophorectomized recipients was technically successful in 50 rabbits. After surgery, animals were randomly allocated into two groups: animals in group A received cyclosporine for immunosuppression; animals in group B did not receive immunosuppressive therapy. In group A, 16 animals survived the transplant procedure and six animals became pregnant (38%). No pregnancies were obtained among animals in group B. In group A, plasma concentrations of ovarian and pituitary hormones were similar to those found in non-transplanted animals. Our results show firstly that tubo-ovarian transplantation is technically feasible, and secondly that cyclosporine improves not only tubal viability but also ovarian function after transplantation.