Factorization, Kinematic Singularities, and Conspiracies

Factorization of residues of poles of the S matrix is derived from the requirements of unitarity for partialwave helicity amplitudes. Careful attention is given to questions of spin and the kinematic singularities of the relevant amplitudes, especially at t=0. Residues β of a pole in the full partial-wave amplitude satisfy factorization in the simple form βba2=βaaβbb. In general, β can be written as β=Kγ, where K contains the standard kinematic singularities of the Hara-Wang type, plus threshold behavior, and γ is a reduced residue. The K's for various mass classes are exhibited in a compact and consistent form, and the corresponding factorization statements for the reduced residues are derived. These factorization relations are of the form txγba2=γaaγbb, where x is an integer. The reduced residues are analytic in the neighborhood of thresholds and pseudothresholds, but may, in the case of conspiracies, contain poles at t=0. Various examples are presented to illustrate the use of factorization. These include LeBellac's argument on the behavior of the pion residue at t=0 and its circumvention with a type-II conspiracy. mandelstam's treatment of Adler's self-consistency condition and the hypothesis of partially conserved axial-vector current using an M=1 pion is discussed from the viewpoint of factorization. It is shown that factorization for an M=1 pion seems to imply smallness of both soft-pion and hard-pion amplitudes. The smallness of the latter casts some doubt on the M=1 assignment for the pion. The nature of the relations between amplitudes and the behavior of the reduced residues at t=0 for conspiracies with unequal masses is also considered.