Streuung von Ionen. III. Regenbogeneffekt bei der Streuung von H+ an N2 , CO, CO2 , SF6, H2 und CH4 sowie von H2 + an Ar und Kr

Differential scattering cross sections of H+ on various molecules and of H2 + on Ar and Kr were measured at various energies between 5 eV and 40 eV. Several rainbows could be resolved for the systems H+-N2, H+-CO, H+-CO2 and H+-SF6 . In the case of H+-H2 , secondary rainbows could be traced at higher energies (30 eV). Only the primary rainbow was observed for H+-CH4 . The H2 +-Ar and H2 +-Kr systems also yielded rainbow structures. Broad additional maxima appeared at large angles for H2 +-Kr which were atttributed to the crossing of potential curves. The rapid oscillations could not be observed. The measured differential cross sections for the systems H+-N2 , CO, CO2, SF6 and H2 were fitted by a procedure described in part I using a simple Morse potential. The equilibrium distances rm were estimated from the relation rm = 0.7-rg (rg: gaskinetic radius of the molecule) which was found to hold approximately for the H+-noble gas systems. The following potential depths e were obtained: 4.15 eV for N2-H+; 4.70 eV for CO-H+; 5.10 eV for CO2-H+; 3.66 eV for SF6-H+; 4.04 eV for H2-H+. These values are averages because of the anisotropy of the potentials. The potential depth for the H+-H2 system is little smaller than the theoretical value of 4.56 eV. This is attributed to nontriangular configurations in the scattering process. The scattering experiments with the system H4-CH4 were evaluated classically, ε (H+-CH4) was found to be 3.8 eV only. The large difference to the theoretical value ε = 5.45 eV is explained by the inadiabacity of the scattering process with respect to the movement of the H atoms in methane. ε (Ar-H2 +) and ε (KrH2 +) were found to be (1.3 ± 0.2 ) eV and (1.1 ± 0.2 ) eV, respectively. Energy level diagram are dicussed for the ion-molecule reactions Ar+ (Kr+) + H2 → ArH+ (KrH+) + H including the ArH2 + and KrH2 + intermediate states. They show that most of the reaction energy becomes free in the approach of the reactants Ar++H2. This effect is less pronounced for the Kr+ (2P1/2)+H2-reaction and even a small threshold energy exists for the Kr+ (2P3/2)+H2-reaction. reaction