On the Lacustrine or Karéwah Deposits of Kashmere

Mr. Beckles, during a late tour in the Highlands, examined the Sandstone-quarries at Covesea, near Elgin; and, having exposed and removed several square-yards of the Sandstone-slabs bearing fossil foot-prints at this place, has sent a large collection of them to London, but has not yet had the opportunity of studying them in detail. Mr. Beckles says that he has secured several varieties of footsteps, differing in size and form, and in the number of the claws, which vary apparently from 2 to 5. One foot-print, of a circular shape, measured 15 inches in breadth. Some of the smaller footprints are evidently formed by young individuals of the same species that made some of the larger marks. Some of the prints have been left, in the author’s opinion, by web-footed animals.