Competitive Foods and Beverages Available for Purchase in Secondary Schools - Selected Sites, United States, 2004

School Health Profiles is conducted biennially to assess characteristics of school health programs. State and local departments of education and health select either all public secondary schools within their jurisdictions or a systematic, equal-probability sample of public secondary schools to participate in School Health Profiles. At each school, the principal and lead health education teacher were sent questionnaires to be self-administered and returned to the state or local agency conducting the survey. In 2004, a total of 27 states and 11 large urban school districts obtained weighted data from their survey of principals. The findings in this report indicate that the majority of secondary schools in 27 states and 11 large urban school districts allow students to purchase snack foods or beverages from vending machines or at the school store, canteen, or snack bar. The types of competitive foods and beverages available for purchase varied across states and large urban school districts. Overall, fruits or vegetables were less likely to be available for purchase than the other types of foods or beverages. Bottled water and soft drinks, sports drinks, or fruit drinks that are not 100% juice were most likely to be available for purchase.