Chemical Synthesis of Fine Powders

Interest in the synthesis of submicron monodispersed powders is increasing. Such powders find applications in the ceramic industry when high performance materials are required. Sintering time and temperature can be significantly reduced with powders of narrow particle-size distribution. Fine colloidal particles can be made by a variety of methods, from the vapor phase or the liquid phase.The sol gel process offers new approaches to the synthesis of fine powders. Starting from molecular precursors, such as metal alkoxides or aqueous solutions, an oxide network is obtained via inorganic polymerization reactions. These reactions occur in solution, and the term “sol-gel processing” is often used to describe the synthesis of inorganic oxides by wet chemical methods. It offers many advantages compared to the conventional powder route. One unique advantage is the ability to go all the way from the molecular precursor to the solid material, permitting better control of the entire process and allowing synthesis of “tailor-made” powders.