The chemistry of molybdenum and tungsten. Part 7. Oxomolybdenum(V) and oxotungsten(V) complexes of neutral aromatic Schiff-base ligands

A series of oxomolybdenum(V) and oxotungsten(V) complexes of potentially quadridentate (N2O2 donor set) and quinquedentate (N3O2 donor set) Schiff-base ligands, [MOCl3(H2L)](M = Mo or W), has been prepared in which the ligands bind only via the imine nitrogens, acting as neutral N2 donors in contrast to the usual binding of these ligands as dianionic N2O2 or N3O2 species. With small chelate backbones between the imine groups the resulting [MOCl3(H2L)] complexes appear to be monomeric, and whilst i.r. spectra do not enable a choice to be made between mer and fac structures we have employed e.s.r. results, notably using a series of specially synthesised model complexes, to deduce that these complexes have a mer configuration. With long chelate backbones (six carbon atoms) between the imine groups it is suggested that the [MOCl3(H2L)] complexes are dimeric and contain at least two isomeric forms. The molybdenum(V) complexes exhibit giso values in fhe range 1.934–1.945 and the tungsten(V) complexes in the range 1.72–1.80.