The dried ethanol extract of the husk of the grain of Paspalum scrobiculatum produced tranquillization and tremors in various species of animals. It potentiated the effect of hexobarbitone in mice, produced hypothermia in mice and rats and enhanced leptazol toxicity in rats. Amphetamine group-toxicity in mice increased after injecting the extract or an emulsion containing a similar quantity of olive oil. Vomiting in pigeons and decrease of morphine rage in cats were noted. Diminution of carotid occlusion reflex and hypotension were observed in anaesthetized dogs. Tremors and sleep were experienced by a human volunteer after taking the extract orally. Stability of the extract under different conditions was studied in dogs. Fractions of the extract, resolved by solvent separation and column chromatography, were tested in dogs for tranquillization and tremors.