Irradiation-reduced human chromosome 21 hybrids

Rodent-human somatic cell hybrids have been constructed which contain fragments of human chromosome 21 as their only human material. This was done by irradiating rodent-human somatic cell hybrids containing a complete chromosome 21 to fragment the genome and then rescuing human GAR synthetase and various amounts of flanking chromosome 21 DNA by fusing with GAR synthetase-deficient hamster cells and selecting for growth in purine-free medium. Four irradiation-reduction hybrids were produced by this method and contain the distal, proximal, and central portions of the long arm of human chromosome 21, all centered about GAR synthetase. These irradiation-reduction hybrids were used as a panel to regionally map single-copy and individual copies of repetitive sequences. Using these hybrids along with another independently constructed hybrid, the GAR synthetase gene was mapped distal to SOD-1 and proximal to CP21G1(D21S60). Of special interest is the regional mapping of the gene for the amyloid β-protein distal to pPW236B(D21S11) and proximal to SOD-1.