Probing hydration contributions to the thermodynamics of ligand binding by proteins. Enthalpy and heat capacity changes of tacrolimus and rapamycin binding to FK506 binding protein in deuterium oxide and water

The stabilities of native proteins and protein-ligand complexes result from differential interactions among numerous polar and nonpolar atoms within the proteins and ligands and of these atoms with water. Delineation of the various energetic contributions of the stabilities of proteins or protein-ligand complexes in aqueous solution, and an evaluation of their structural basis, requires a direct account of the changes, in the interactions of the protein with the solvent, that accompany the folding or binding reactions. Two largely nonpolar, structurally related macrolide ligands, tacrolimus (also known as FK506) and rapamycin, each bind with high affinity to a common site on a small FK506 binding protein (FKBP-12) and inhibit its peptidylprolyl cis-trans-isomerase activity. In an effort to elucidate the influence of water on the thermodynamics of their binding reactions, we have measured the enthalpies of tacrolimus and rapamycin binding to FKBP-12, in buffered solutions of H2O (at pH 7.0) or D2O (at pD 7.0), by high-precision titration calorimetry in the temperature range 5-30 degrees C. For both tacrolimus and rapamycin binding, a large enthalpic destabilization of binding is observed in D2O relative to H2O, in the temperature range examined. Additionally, large negative constant pressure heat capacity changes are observed for the binding of the ligands in both H2O and D2O. A thermodynamic analysis is presented to identify the structural determinants of the differences in the energetics of binding in light and heavy water. The analysis suggests that a chief contributor to the observed enthalpic destabilization is the differential hydration, of protein and ligand atoms, by light and heavy water.