Studies on North American Chiggers. No. 3. The Subgenus Neotrombicula

Within the genus Trombicula are two groups of larvae which, despite their morphologic similarity, give rise to very different nymphs and adults. One of these is here recognized as the subg. Neotrombicula Hirst, the larvae of which are parasitic principally on small mammals, especially rodents, lagomorphs, and insectivores. The systematics, geographic distr., seasonal occurrence and host relationships of 21 spp., of which 14 are descr. as new, are presented. Synoptic keys to groups and spp. are included. Lectotypes are designated for Trombicula bisignata Ewing, T. cavicola Ewing, T. californica Ewing, and T. rohweri Ewing. T. microti Ewing (=T. parkeri Radfort). The new spp. are: T. lipovskyi, from Neotoma sp., Svlvilagus floridanus, Canis latrans, Peromyscus sp., Reithrodontomys fulvescens and Neotoma floridana, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma; T. alaskensis, from Hylocichla ustulata, Alaska; T. browni, from Peromyscus maniculatus. Microtus longicaudus and Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, Wyoming; T. dinehartae, from Peromyscus maniculatus. California; T. goodpasteri, from Pitymys pinetorum and Microtus pennsylvanicus, Ohio; T. jewetti, from Microtus townsendi M. longicaudus, Clethrionomys californicus, Peromyscus maniculatus, P. bovlii, Neotoma sp. and Sorex trowbridgii, Calif. and Oregon; T. richmondi, from Microtus pennsvlvanicus. Clethrionomys gapperi, Napeozapus insignis and Ondatra zibethica. Pennsylvania; T. carterae, and T. farrelli, from Peromyscus sp., N. Carolina; T. sylvilagi, from Sylvilagus floridanus and Svnaptomvs sp.. Kansas and Illinois; T. varians, from Citellus columbianus, Montana; T. wavnensis, from Melospiza georgiana. Pa.; T. subsignata, from Marmota flaviventer, Citellus lateralis Seiurus motacilla Zapus hudsonius, Microtus pennsylvanicus and Svlvilagus floridanus. New York, Pa., Colorado, N. Dakota and Mont.; T. eusignata, from Eutamias amoenus and Citellus lateralis. Mont. 23 references are given.

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