A global model is presented that simulates zonal averages of stable isotopes δ(18O), δ(D) and precipitation rates at sea level. The model is empirical and uses as input zonal averages of evaporation, meridional water-vapour flux, air temperature, sea temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, sea-ice cover, and supersaturation in clouds as a function of temperature. The global model provides input to high-latitude regional solutions that are found integrating up assumed vapour trajectories, which need not be at sea level. Model precipitation rates, δ(18O) and δ(D), compare well to measured values on an annual and seasonal basis. The stable-isotope-temperature relation poleward of about 35° latitude as well as the isotope-precipitation relation in the tropics is simulated by the zonal global model. The Queen Elizabeth Islands stable-isotope pattern is given as an example of a regional solution of the model. Zonal moisture contributions for high-elevation sites are found to be different between northern hemisphere (Crête, Greenland) and southern hemisphere (Vostok, East Antarctica) with the southern high-latitude cold oceans making a larger relative contribution.