Two simple theoretical models of librational and relaxational absorption of polar molecules in the microwave and far infra-red regions are discussed. The first model is an auto-correlation function treatment of a librator in a multi-well potential, while the second is an itinerant oscillator model of a damped librator within a temporary cage of its nearest neighbours which undergo co-operative diffusional reorientation. These models are compared and applied successfully to the absorption spectra of the rotator and liquid phases of (CH3)3CCl and CH3CCl3, and to liquid CH2Cl2 and C6H5Cl, giving reasonable values of the parameters of molecular motion (e.g. barrier heights V∽2.2 to 10 kJ mol–1, 2π/ω;0τiτj∽0.3 to 1 ps, ξ/2kT∽τrτD5 to 20 ps), comparison being made with other calculations where possible. The temperature dependence of the librational frequency (2π/ω0) and the apparent collision frequency (1/τi) is discussed, as is the simplifying assumption of a single librational frequency.