Potential-Energy Curves for CO and CO+

Potential‐energy curves for the X 1Σ+, A 1Π, I 1Σ, a 3Π, a3Σ+, d 3Δi, and e 3Σ electronic states of CO and the X 2Σ+, A 2Πi, and B 2Σ+ electronic states of CO+ have been calculated using a modification of the Rydberg—Klein—Rees method. The curves for the a 3Π, d 3Δi, and A 2Πi states, which are intermediate between Hund's Cases (a) and (b), represent fictitious rotationless states calculated using the true Bv. Benesch and co‐workers have shown theoretically that this representation is correct for such intermediate cases. The numerical results for the A 2Πi state presented here confirm their conclusions.

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