The surfaces of the normal paraffins (C3–C8) and cyclohexane have been studied using low‐energy electron diffraction (LEED). The samples were prepared by vapor deposition on the (111) face of a platinum single crystal in ultrahigh vacuum, and were studied both as thick films and as adsorbed monolayers. These molecules form ordered monolayers on the clean metal surface in the temperature range 100–220 K and at a vapor flux corresponding to 10−7 Torr. In the adsorbed monolayers of the normal paraffins (C4–C8), the molecules lie with their chain axes parallel to the Pt surface and Pt[11̄0]. The paraffin monolayer structures undergo order–disorder transitions as a function of temperature. Multilayers condensed upon the ordered monolayers maintained the same orientation and packing as found in the monolayers. The surface structures of the growing organic crystals do not corresond to planes in their reported bulk crystal structures and are evidence for epitaxial growth of pseudomorphic crystal forms. Multilayers of n‐octane and n‐heptane condensed upon disordered monolayers have also grown with the (001) plane of the triclinic bulk crystal structures parallel to the surface. n‐Butane has three monolayer structures on Pt(111) and one of the three is maintained during growth of the crystal. Cyclohexane forms an ordered monolayer, upon which a multilayer of cyclohexane grows exhibiting the (001) surface orientation of the monoclinic bulk crystal structure. Surface structures of saturated hydrocarbons are found to be very susceptible to electron beam induced damage. Surface charging interferes with LEED only at sample thicknesses greater than 200 Å.