Paramagnetic Resonance Detection along the Polarizing Field Direction

Strong rf power, modulated at a low frequency, was applied to a paramagnetic solid (diphenyl pycril hydrazil) in a dc field Hz of up to 20 gauss. The resulting changes in Mz at the modulation frequency produced a voltage in a coil oriented in the z direction, to provide a measure of Mz. A sensitive test of the equation of motion of the spin magnetization was achieved by using 19.5-Mc/sec circularly polarized rf of up to 6 gauss in the xy plane, square wave modulated at 280 cps. The observed 280-cps signal was consistent with the Bloch equations, assuming relaxation toward the instantaneous applied magnetic field. As predicted, Mz was not zero when Hz=0. A Bloch-Seigert effect was also observed.