Real part of the forward elastic nuclear amplitude forpp,p¯p,π+p,π−p,K+p, andK−pscattering between 70 and 200 GeV/c

We have measured the elastic cross section for pp, p¯p, π+p, πp, K+p, and Kp scattering at incident momenta of 70, 100, 125, 150, 175, and 200 GeV/c. The range of the four-momentum transfer squared t varied with the beam momentum from 0.0016t0.36 (GeV/c)2 at 200 GeV/c to 0.0018t0.0625 (GeV/c)2 at 70 GeV/c. The conventional parametrization of the t dependence of the nuclear amplitude by a simple exponential in t was found to be inadequate. An excellent fit to the data was obtained by a parametrization motivated by the additive quark model. Using this parametrization we determined the ratio of the real to the imaginary part of the nuclear amplitude by the Coulomb-interference method.