Models for quasi-two-dimensional helium and magnets

Recently considerable interest has focused upon materials which change spatial dimensionality as the anisotropy parameter R is varied. Here we calculate the high-temperature series of the two-spin correlation function for the classical Heisenberg (D=3) and planar (D=2) models with lattice anisotropy. The Hamiltonian is {H,=JxyΣijxySi(D)·Sj(D)JzΣijzSi(D)·Sj(D)}{JxyΣijxySi(D)·Sj(D)+RΣijzSi(D)·Sj(D)} where Si(D) is a classical spin of D dimensions, the first summation is over all nearest-neighbor pairs in the xy plane, and the second sum is over pairs of spins coupling adjacent planes. The two-spin correlation functions are used to obtain the susceptibility (χ), specific heat (CH) and spherical moments (μt) as double power series in JxykBT and JzkBT on both the simple-cubic and face-centered-cubic lattices. All series are to tenth order except for the Heisenberg model on the simple-cubic lattice which is to ninth order. The family of nth derivatives with respect to R are analyzed for the susceptibility and the spherical moments. By considering these functions in the limit R=0, we obtain evidence concerning the possibility of a phase transition for the two-dimensional (d=2) lattice. Our evidence rests upon standard methods, as well as on two new sequences (based on scaling in the parameter R): Δn,lρn,lρn1,lϕTclTcMF and Δ̃n,lnρn1,l(n1)ρn,l(TcTcMF)[(γ01)l+1]. Here ρn,l(al+n,nal+n1,n)al,0, where al,n are the coefficients in χ¯(n)nχ¯RnΣl=nal,n(JxykT)l. Much of the evidence for the cases considered in this work (D=2, 3) is strengthened by comparison with the exactly known situations D=1 (Ising model) and D= (spherical model). Subject to the assumption that scaling in R holds, we estimate that the susceptibility exponent for the classical planar model is γ0(D=2)=2.530.28+0.30. The evidence for the Heisenberg model is not as convincing, but if a phase transition does exist, then our methods suggest a susceptibility exponent of γ0(D=3)3.5.