Responses by corn snakes (Elaphe guttata) to chemicals from heterospecific snakes

Young corn snakes,Elaphe guttata, were tested for responses to chemicals from heterospecific snakes. Corn snakes exhibited more tongue-flicks to swabs freshly rubbed against the skin of an ophiophagous kingsnake,Lampropeltis getulus, than to blank swabs. Responses toL. getulus and a nonophiophagous western plains garter snake,Thamnophis radix haydeni, did not differ significantly. Corn snakes exhibited more tongue-flicks to swabs treated with chloroform extracts of the shed skins ofL. getulus; an ophiophagous eastern coachwhip,Masticophis flagellum; and a nonophiophagous gray ratsnake,Elaphe obsoleta, than to blank swabs, but they did not discriminate between ophiophagous and nonophiophagous species in every case. Corn snakes, when offered shelters containing bedding from the home cages of a nonophiophagous water snake,Nerodia erythrogaster, an occasionally ophiophagous water moccasin,Agkistrodon pisdvorus; orL. getulus and untreated bedding, failed to reside under snake-scented shelters at a rate significantly different from that expected by chance. The responses of corn snakes are compared with those reported for other snakes presented with heterospecific snake chemicals.