Summary. A macromolecule which binds intrinsic factor saturated with vitamin B12 has been solubilized from the guinea-pig ileum by homogenization followed by mechanical disruption without organic solvents or detergents. This intrinsic factor ‘receptor’was further purified by precipitation with 30% saturated ammonium sulphate, centrifugation at 105 000 g, and filtration through Sephadex G-200. Failure to precipitate the receptor following centrifugation at 105 000 g for 3 h and filtration of the receptor with the included volumes through Sepharose 4B and 6B was evidence that it was solubilized. The purification of the receptor was monitored by a radiometric assay where the intrinsic factor-[57Co]vitamin-B12 complex coupled to the solubilized receptor precipitated at 15% sodium sulphate while intrinsic factor-[57Co]B12 alone remained soluble at this salt concentration. This radioassay also permitted the in vitro study of the interaction of the solubilized receptor and intrinsic factor saturated with [57Co]B12. The receptor did not bind intrinsic factor-[57Co]B12 below pH 5 while binding was observed topH 9.0. Binding was equivalent at 37° and 25°, but was markedly reduced at 4° and 56° and was destroyed at 100°. The receptor resisted 60 min of digestion by trypsin, chymotrypsin, pronase and subtilisin. After 180 min digestion, pronase and subtilisin inactivated 90% and 41% of the receptor respectively, whereas trypsin and chymotrypsin inactivated only 21% and 23%. Trisodium EDTA inhibited the binding of intrinsic factor-[57 Co]B12 to the receptor and this inhibition could be reversed by the addition of excess Ca2+. Mg2+ and Mn2+ were less effective than Ca2+ for the activity of the receptor. Kinetic analysis of the reaction indicated a maximum velocity of 0.083 nmole IF bound B12/min with a Km of 1.36 x 10-10 M. The solubilized receptor had a greater affinity for intrinsic factor bound to vitamin B12 than for intrinsic factor free of vitamin B12. The solubilization of this intrinsic factor receptor without chemicals suggests that it is not an integral component of the microvillus membranes hydrophobically bonded to the lipid matrix, but rather a peripheral protein weakly associated with the membrane by non-covalent interaction.