Antioxidant capacity of phenolic and related compounds: correlation among electrochemical, visible spectroscopy methods and structure–antioxidant activity

We investigated the antioxidant activity of phenylpropionic acids--caffeic (CAF), ferulic (FER), para-coumaric (COU) and cinnamic (CIN)--and phenolic acids and related compounds--gallic (GAL), methyl gallate (meGAL), vanillic (VAN) and gentisic (GEN)--using visible spectroscopy, inhibition of nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction, and electrochemical methods including cyclic voltammetry and potentiometry. In the spectroscopic assays, only CAF, GAL and meGAL were able to inhibit NBT reduction. The same compounds showed the lowest oxidation potentials (Epa) and the highest redox potentials deltaE) in the cyclic voltammetric and potentiometric studies, respectively. In addition, it was observed that the greater the number of hydroxyls linked to the aromatic ring, the greater was the antioxidant activity of the analysed compounds. The correlations of Spermann--used to compare the methods between themselves and the methods with the relationship structure-antioxidant activity--were r = -0.9762 for the cyclic voltammetric-potentiometric methods. r = 0.8333 for the inhibition of NBT reduction-potentiometric methods and r = -0.8095 for the inhibition of NBT reduction-cyclic voltammetric methods. The correlations for cyclic voltammetric, potentiometric and inhibition of NBT reduction methods-number of hydroxyls linked to the aromatic ring were r = -0.9636, 0.9636 and 0.9142, respectively. These findings indicate that the electrochemical methods together with spectroscopic studies are a good tool to evaluate the antioxidant activity of substances.