Comparison of Some Metabolic and Morphologic Effects of Cortisone and Hydrocortisone Given by Continuous Injection to Rats

Normal male rats of 300 g. initial wt. were force-fed a medium carbohydrate diet. A comparison was made of the biologic effects of cortisone and hydrocortisone. Each steroid was dissolved in water containing 5% ethanol and 0.9% NaCl. Following a control period of 7 days, steroids were admd. by continuous subcut. injn. at a fluid load of 20 cc./rat/day for 10 days. Dosages of 1, 2 and 4 mg. per day for 10 days were used. The indices of hypercorticalism were wt. loss, negative N balance, glycosuria, atrophy of the adrenal cortex and of the thymus and gross pathologic changes, such as renal damage and stomach ulcers. The extent of response was related to the dose of each steroid. The quantitative activity of hydrocortisone was approx. twice that of cortisone as indicated by each of the several indices of hypercorticalism.