Circumstellar Na I and Ca II lines in type IIP supernovae and SN 1998S

We investigate the possibility of detecting the circumstellar Na I D1,2 and Ca II H, K absorption lines in the spectra of type IIP supernovae at the photospheric phase. Our modeling shows that the Na I doublet lines will not be seen in the spectra of type IIP supernovae at moderate stellar wind densities, for example, characteristic of SN 1999em, while the rather intense Ca II lines with P Cyg profiles should be detectable. The same model is used to describe the circumstellar Na I and Ca II lines in the spectrum of SN 1998S, a type IIL supernova with a dense wind. We show that the circumstellar line intensities in this supernova are reproduced only if there is an ultraviolet excess that is mainly attributable to the Comptonization of supernova radiation in the shock wave.